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我們深信:Beauty is Science!
Phyto Lab 專研高效護膚配方,結合嶄新護膚科學技術,針對性改善各種膚質問題,並延緩衰老徵狀。
-不使用酒精(Alcohol Free)
-不使用香料(Fragrance Free)
品牌創辦人「英老師」師承世界頂級的護膚品科學家及配方員,修讀美國及澳洲知名學府的高級護膚科學及配方證書,並以 DISTINCTION 的成績畢業。
英老師立心改革護膚品界普遍「只重包裝,不重用料」的問題,和實驗室合作研發配方,並由原材料開始,細心挑選名廠品質最優良的素材,及採用符合 GMPC(Good Manufacturing Practice of Cosmetic Products)、ISO22716等國際標準的廠房,而品牌下的所有產品,更會經HKSTC測試,以確保產品符合FDA、GB等的國際安全標準。
Phyto Laboratory
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“All products presented on this website are food or dietary supplements. The content on this website is only intended to inform about the nutritional and physiological processes of the food supplements. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health professional.”